Support to the promotion of Civil Society regional actions in the Western Balkans (Phase II) – Call for Regional Proposals

Рок за аплицирање

19/02/2025 00:00

Извор на финансирање

Western Balkan Fund

Име на програмата

Цели на програмата

Strengthen regional cooperation and participatory democracies around the WB region

Kој може да аплицира

• a legal entity, (individuals and/or not registered entities are not eligible) and
• established in one or more WBF Contracting Parties, and
• non-profitmaking, and
Be a specific type of organisation from one of the following categories:
• A Civil Society Organization (CSO/NGO)
• A local or regional public entity, or association of local or regional public entities
• A business association such as: association of enterprises, agriculture association, chamber of commerce,
• tourism association, etc.
• An educational institution such as university/faculty, school, institute, library, research centre, academy of science/music/arts, etc.
• Media associations such as: organizations working with media, journalism, and freedom of expression.
• An institution of culture or sports such as museums, art galleries, theatres, libraries, or associations of cultural institutions, sport associations, etc.

Кој може да биде партнер

Partnerships must include Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and/or institutions as described in the eligibility of applicants

Буџетска рамка во € (EUR)
Max: 15000


20 %

Време за имплементација

3-6 months

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