IKI Thematic Call 2024

Рок за аплицирање

18/02/2025 16:00

Извор на финансирање

The International Climate Initiative (IKI)

Име на програмата

Цели на програмата

The aim is to fund projects that pursue holistic approaches across multiple levels and, above all, demonstrate how to practically implement climate action, adaptation and biodiversity conservation in (including through policy advice, capacity building, technological cooperation, investment/financial mechanisms, and implementation in urban and peri-urban areas).

Kој може да аплицира

• Non-governmental organisations
• Universities and research institutions
• International intergovernmental organisations and institutions (such as development banks)
• Organisations and programmes of the UN
• Private companies as well as economic sector and trade associations

Кој може да биде партнер


Буџетска рамка во € (EUR)
Min: 5000000
Max: 20000000



Време за имплементација

8 years max

Линк до документ

Линк до повикот