European Youth Together 2025 (ERASMUS-YOUTH-2025-YOUTH-TOG)
Рок за аплицирање
06/03/2025 17:00
Извор на финансирање
European Commission
Име на програмата
Цели на програмата
Create cooperation, enabling young people across Europe to set up joint projects, organise exchanges and promote trainings (e.g. for youth leaders/ youth workers) through both physical and online activities
Kој може да аплицира
• Legal entities established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme:
• NGOs (including European Youth NGOs and national Youth Councils) working in the field of youth
• Public bodies at local, regional or national level working in the field of youth
• For-profit organisations may also participate but not as coordinator.
Кој може да биде партнер
Буџетска рамка во € (EUR)
Max: 500000
Време за имплементација
Линк до документ
Линк до повикот