dAIEDGE 2nd Open Call for Collaborative Projects
Рок за аплицирање
13/03/2025 15:00
Извор на финансирање
European Union
Име на програмата
dAIEDGE Network of Excellence
Цели на програмата
To advance Europe’s innovation and technology base by developing a comprehensive policy and governance approach to AI
Kој може да аплицира
i. Research and Technology Organisations (RTO),
ii. Academia or
iii. SMEs, including Startups, legally registered as a company at the moment of the
application submission to this Open Call,
registered in one of the following eligible countries:
● EU Member States2 and its Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT), or
● Horizon Europe Associated Countries
Кој може да биде партнер
Буџетска рамка во € (EUR)
Max: 60000
Време за имплементација
up to 7 months
Линк до документ
Линк до повикот