Call for expression of interest for civil society organizations and independent media engaged in the fight against corruption
Рок за аплицирање
03/04/2025 14:00
Извор на финансирање
Expertise France
Име на програмата
Цели на програмата
The general objective of this call for projects is to help strengthen civil society in the fight against corruption, and to contribute to improving gender equality
Kој може да аплицира
Project leaders (principal applicants): Civil society organizations and independent media
Кој може да биде партнер
Partners (optional, max. 6): Civil society organizations, independent media and universities
Буџетска рамка во € (EUR)
Min: 40000
Max: 400000
20 %
Време за имплементација
6 - 18 months
Линк до документ
Линк до повикот