Allianz Foundation Grants Program 2025
Рок за аплицирање
10/02/2025 15:00
Извор на финансирање
The Allianz Foundation
Име на програмата
Allianz Foundation Grants Program 2025
Цели на програмата
Enabling better living conditions for future generations
Kој може да аплицира
Arts & Culture, European Civil Society and Climate & Environment from Europe and the Mediterranean region that:
- Pursue a clear impact plan and systemic approaches and look for solutions beyond predetermined paths. We request applicants to specifically describe the problem they are addressing and how their project can contribute to a solution.
- Develop a sustainable vision that goes beyond the duration of the immediate project. What will last beyond the end of the funding period and would not have been possible without the project?
- Have a trans-local dimension and at the same time are strongly tied in their surroundings – projects that aim to address global challenges by bringing about concrete changes in their region, communities or local environment.
- Use natural resources responsibly and develop ecologically sustainable formats and strategies.
Кој може да биде партнер
Буџетска рамка во € (EUR)
Min: 80.000
Max: 200.000
25 %
Време за имплементација
24 months
Линк до документ
Линк до повикот