
Providing premises

The three resource centers are open offices where smaller organizations can use their premises and facilities to organize events.

The premises of the resource centers are mainly intended for CSOs. Smaller CSOs that meet the following criteria have the advantage of organizing events:

  • The organization is founded in the last three years
  • The organization’s annual budget is under 2.500 EUR
  • The organization has implemented at least 2 activities during the past year
  • The organization does not have adequate premises or funds for renting space

Priority is being given to organizations that implement EU-funded projects, as long as there is no budget allocated for renting space.

In addition to CSOs, the premises are also available for state institutions, informal groups, and activists for organizing their events. The purpose and the topic of the event should be related to civil society, the enabling environment for CSOs, capacity building, education and raising awareness of the target groups (or beneficiaries) of CSOs.

To use the premises, complete the relevant request:

The premises must not be used in any case to organise events that incite, spread or call for religious, national, interethnic or other hatred and intolerance, unrest, violation of fundamental human rights and freedoms. The Civil Society Resource Center reserves the right not to give consent for the use of the premises or to stop the event if there is a violation of the abovementioned conditions.

Additionally, the premises have LCD projector, lap top for presentation and flip chart.


Capacity of the premises

Resource centre – Skopje

Cinema settingМ: 30 people
Round table setting: 20 people
U setting: 15 people

Resource centre – Gostivar

Cinema setting: 18 people
Round table setting: 12 people

Resource centre – Shtip

Cinema setting: 25 people
Round table setting: 12 people