The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of North Macedonia is launching an online consultation for civil society and other stakeholders that are interested to contribute to defying the priority themes and other important elements for the coming Call for Proposals under IPA III Civil Society Facility and Media 2022 – 2023 portfolio.
The Call for Proposals will reflect the EU strategic approach for the enlargement region, laid down in the IPA III programming framework. The framework identifies key policy areas in order to advance socio-economic development, secure a long-term recovery of the region and to move forward on the EU path. In this context, civil society organisations have a crucial role in identifying the key policy areas and engaging in policy and decision-making across various thematic areas.
This Call for Proposals intends to support CSOs’ engagement in the specific policy areas and their structured cooperation with public institutions and business community to contribute to the key sector reforms as part of the EU accession. The launch of this Call is planned for the first half of 2023.
You are kindly requested to complete the Questionnaire following the link below by Friday, 17th February 2023 COB, in order your input to be considered for the Guidelines for Applicants for this Call.
Link to the questionnaire: