Interested Organisations were Informed about the Call for Selection of Members of the Council for Cooperation between the Government and Civil Society   

31 Jan 2025

In the period from 23rd to 28th January 2025, around 100 representatives of the civil society organisations (CSOs) were informed about the Call for selection of 14 members and deputy members of the Council for Cooperation between the Government and Civil Society coming from associations and foundations. This took place during four info-sessions organised by the Civil Resource Center, in partnership with the Unit for Cooperation with Non-Governmental Organisations of the General Secretariat of the Government in Skopje, Gostivar, Bitola, and Radovish.

The aim of these info-sessions was to inform CSOs about the key responsibilities and role of the Council, with a focus on the selection process, eligibility conditions and criteria, deadlines, and voting procedures for the candidates applying for Council membership from associations and foundations. During these sessions, a representative from the General Secretariat of the Government provided a detailed presentation of the call and the application form for the selection of members and deputy members of the Council for Cooperation between the Government and Civil Society from associations and foundations. Organisations had the opportunity to ask questions and receive further clarifications regarding the call, selection, and voting process.

The most frequently asked questions during these four info-sessions were related to further clarification of the application criteria and the voting process for candidates from CSOs. It was emphasised at all sessions that each application must contain a candidate for a member and a deputy member and that organisations submitting applications for candidates or voting for specific candidates may only nominate or vote within the areas of operation that is specified and written in their statutes.

Additionally, the event served to inform organisations about upcoming changes in the legal framework aimed at improving the enabling environment for the development of civil society in the country, as well as the process of drafting the new Strategy for Cooperation with and Development of Civil Society, along with an Action Plan for 2025-2028.

The Council for Cooperation between the Government and Civil Society is established by a Government Decision as an advisory body to the Government, with the purpose of enhancing cooperation, dialogue, and fostering the development of the civil society in the country. To this end, the General Secretariat of the Government published a public call on 20th January 2025.

The application deadline is 4th February 2025.

Within 8 days after the public call closes, the Unit for Cooperation with Non-Governmental Organisations will publish a report on listing the organisations that have applied, along with the candidates who have met the requirements of the public call. This will be accompanied by an invitation for civil society organisations to cast their vote for one of the candidates in each of the organisation’s areas of operation, as specified in their statutes.

The info-sessions were organised as part of the project “EU Support to the Civil Society Resource Centre – Phase 2”, funded by the European Union and implemented by the National Civil Society Development Foundation Civic Resource Center, the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation, Media Plus – Štip, and the Association for Democratic Initiatives (ADI) – Gostivar

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Training Implemented for the New 14 Grantees on Local Initiatives

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