About us
CRC’s vision is a strengthened civil society that actively participates in policy making and contributes to participatory democracy.
The mission of the CRC is to support the civil society organisations, that are the citizens’ voice and the essential factor of democracy, to be effective, accountable and sustainable independent actors.
Members of the Governing Board of the Civic Resource Centre
Elena Kochoska (chairperson)
Nasel Selmani
Samet Skenderi
Nazim Rashidi
Sanja Vasik
Executive director: Valentina Velichkovska
About the project
EU support to the Civil Society Resource Centre – Phase 2 is a project funded by the European Union and implemented by the National Foundation for Civil Society Development Civic Resource Centre, the project partners Association for Democratic Initiatives (ADI), Gostivar and Media Plus, Stip and the Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation as an affiliated entity. The project duration is 02.01.2023-31.12.2026 with total budget of one million EUR. This is a continuation of the EU-funded project National Resource Centre for Civil Society Organisations implemented in the period 15.02.2018-30.10.2021.
The project overall objective is empowered civil society that actively takes part in policy creation and contributes to strengthened participatory democracy in the country, whereas the specific objective is increased capacity and resilience of the organisations to be competent, effective, and accountable independent actors and environment that is conducive to civil society. The primary target group of the project are civil society organisations (CSOs); however, the project will also target relevant state institutions and the citizens.
The expected project results are:
- CSOs have better capacities, long-term planning, sustainability, visibility, advocacy, and effectiveness and operate in a more transparent and accountable way.
- CSOs are better informed, networked and operate in a more efficient way.
- Foundations are laid down for a self-sustainable, inclusive, responsive, countrywide platform for supporting CSOs.
- The environment for civil society is more conducive: the civil dialogue is improved, and institutions are positive and open for CSOs’ initiatives.
Information about the project implementers
The National Foundation for Civil Society Development CIVIC RESOURCE CENTRE is a foundation established in June 2022 by the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation. Its mission is to support CSOs, the citizens’ voice and the essential factor of democracy, to be effective, accountable, and sustainable independent actors. Its target groups are CSOs and citizens, regardless of their affiliation and determination. The work of the Civic Resource Centre is based on the principles of independence, responsibility and transparency, participation, partnership, tolerance, sustainability and equal opportunities.
Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation
Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation is a CSO established in 1993 which leads and encourages changes in the country and beyond through new and alternative solutions to social problems. For the past 30 years, MCIC has been an important civil society actor who runs institutional development and organisational strengthening programs, including advocacy for enabling environments, capacity building, financial support and research. In addition, MCIC operates in the sectors of social cohesion, local and rural development and good governance. Since 1993 MCIC has implemented more than 70 programs with over 1,500 projects in these sectors. In 1998 MCIC received the US and EU Award for Civil Society and Democracy.
More information at: www.mcms.mk
Association for Democratic Initiatives
More information at https://adimacedonia.org
Media Plus – Shtip
More information at: https://mediaplus.org.mk
Project Team
- Aleksandar Krzalovski, Quality Reviewer
- Valentina Velickovska, Project Coordinator
- Valentina Chicheva, Capacity building expert
- Boris Ristovski, Communications Officer
- Nikola Klekovski, Project Officer
- Milka Bozinovska-Miova, Financial officer
- Lulzim Haziri. Project coordinator of Resource Centre in Gostivar
- Marija Simeska, Project Officer of Resource Centre in Gostivar
- Slobodanka Blazevska, Project Coordinator of Resource Centre in Stip
- Dragana Mitrovik, Project Officer of Resource Centre in Stip