“Civil society organisations are the voice of the people, the channel through which citizens express their needs, ideas and visions. However, in order for this voice to be sufficiently strong and influential, support, understanding and coordinated cooperation with state institutions are needed. Our Government is aware of this need and the importance of building partnership relations with the civil sector. The priority of the Government, in the period 2024-2028, is the support of an inclusive, independent and professional civil society, which is a partner of the institutions in the creation and achievement of the strategic goals of the country,” said Igor Janushev, Secretary General of the Government at the Debate on strengthening the cooperation between the Government and civil society which took place on 4th September 2024 in the premises of the Civic Resource Centre. The Secretary General also announced the establishment of the guarantee fund for the provision of co-financing of CSOs’ projects, a measure that is foreseen in the Government’s Programme.
“The European Commission’s latest Country Progress Report highlighted the continued importance of civil society in decision-making processes and monitoring of state activities, and highlighted the need for improved transparency in policy-making and more inclusive consultation processes,” said Ben Nupnau, Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of North Macedonia. Furthermore, he emphasized that civil society needs strategic, long-term and customized support to effectively contribute to the country accession processes. The primary channel for EU support for CSOs is the IPA Civil Society Facility, which from 2008 until now has provided over 45 million euros for civil society in the country. In addition, the European Union provides support for the Government in creating an enabling environment for the functioning and development of civil society. This type of support will be available in the future as well, especially for the creation of the new strategy for cooperation, for the reform of state funding, as well as for the Council for Cooperation between the Government and civil society to function again.

The fourth Strategy of the Government for cooperation with and development of civil society 2022-2024 is currently being implemented, which should provide an enabling and sustainable environment for the smooth functioning and independent action of CSOs. Susana Nikodijević-Filipovska, head of the Department for Policy Analysis and Coordination in the General Secretariat of the Government, talked about degree of Strategy implementation. Some of the foreseen normative measures and activities, such as the Law on Associations and Foundations, the new Law on Donations and Sponsorships in Public Activities, the Law on Social Enterprises, the Law on Volunteering, are in an advanced stage, but the legal framework for their implementation has not been completed for any of them. adoption. Nikodijević-Filipovska also announced the next Strategy, the drafting of which will be conducted through a consultative and inclusive process.
Zoran Ilieski, as a former member of the Council for Cooperation between the Government and Civil Society, emphasized that the Council did not function properly because it did not communicate with its constituents, i.e. some of the civil society organisations that were members of the Council did not inform them and did not consult with the organisations that they represented in the Council. He emphasized the need for an immediate amendment of the Decision on the establishment of the Council in order to overcome the perceived problems so that the Council can function effectively.

Regarding the legal reform for creating an enabling environment for civil society organisations, Valentina Velichkovska from the Civic Resource Centre emphasised that in the next period the focus should be on the adoption of the Law on Associations and Foundations, the Law on Volunteering, the Law on Social Enterprises and the Law on donations and sponsorship in public activities. In addition, the Code of Good Practices for financing associations and foundations as well as the Code of Good Practices for the participation of the civil sector in the policy-making process should be transformed into mandatory by-laws.
The event also focused on providing support to CSOs at the local level, from drafting local strategies for cooperation and development of civil society, increased and transparent financial support at the local level as well as strengthening their organizational capacities through various projects financed by the European Union.

In the discussion with the participants, several suggestions were given for improving the environment for CSOs’ operation, as well as a series of challenges faced by the organisations. As an example, the challenge faced by many organizations that, due to ignorance or lack of information, did not register beneficial owner in the Central Register within the given deadline, and are now faced with the obligation to pay a sum of over 1000 euros, because otherwise they cannot operate, i.e. they cannot work with the banks. The upcoming activities should confirm the will to cooperate. The Government and civil society organisations will work on amending the Decision on the establishment of the Council for Cooperation between the Government and civil society, as well as on the next Strategy for cooperation with and development of civil society.