Nexus developed drafts of additional organisational documents

Nexus developed drafts of additional organisational documents

The association Nexus-Civil Concept, in the framework of the awarded under the Civil Society Resource Centre has completed the preparation of the Strategic Plan for 2020-2024 and the Action Plan for 2020. They have been translated into English and are currently in the...
Veles Biking through a new strategy to greater promotion of cycling

Veles Biking through a new strategy to greater promotion of cycling

The association Veles Biking, under the mentorship of the Center for Economic Analysis (CEA), held its second strategic planning workshop on 17th October 2019, as part of the partnership grant awarded by the Civil Society Resource Center. During the meeting, at a...
Experiences exchanged among the CSRC’s grantees at a workshop

Experiences exchanged among the CSRC’s grantees at a workshop

The CSRC’s grantees participated in a two-day workshop where they shared their expectations from the mentoring process and worked together to finalise the mentoring intervention plans. Some of the participants refreshed their knowledge, others learned about a range of...