The strongest point of the civil society organisations in Radovish is the cooperation between smaller and stronger associations, mostly focused on providing space and other resources for organising activities. This was highlighted during the Mobile Resource Center on 24th April 2019, which was organised in cooperation with the National Library “Braka Miladinovci”, the associations “Celor” and “Kruna Plus”, as well as the Municipality of Radovish.
The organisations from this municipality face the same challenges as the other associations from the eastern region: lack of educated staff for writing and managing projects, need for ensuring co-financing and lack of working space.
The participants at the meeting emphasized the need for more experienced people who will initiate bigger actions, and at the same time they will motivate the uninterested young people to get involved in this sector. They also need support to engage in larger networks, for joint activities and involvement in policy-making, especially at local and regional level.
The Civil Society Resource Center team had a meeting with Gerasim Konzulov, Mayor of the Municipality of Radovish, in order to discuss the cooperation with the civil society organisations.
The Municipality provides substantial financial assistance to organisations annually through an open call, in a transparent manner. Currently, there is no strategy and an updated methodology for allocating funds and monitoring, but the Municipality understands the need for financial support and, depending on the projected revenues, plans each year the portion of the budget allocated to associations.
The Civil Society Resource Center is a project funded by the European Union and implemented by Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC) in partnership with Association for Democratic Initiatives (ADI) from Gostivar and Media Plus from Stip.