Relatively well-developed civil society in Tetovo

22 Jan 2019

The cooperation among the local organisations, the cooperation with the municipality and the transparency of the financing of CSOs from the municipality were the main topics for discussion at the meeting of the Mobile Resource Centre with the organisations in Tetovo. The visit was held on December 21, 2018 and it was organised in partnership with the local organisation Center for Balkan Cooperation “Loja” in its premises.

During the meeting, a debate on sub-granting was opened, especially the size of the sub-grants, the sustainability, the results and the impacts that are achieved with this type of funding.

The meeting showed that the civil society in Tetovo is relatively well-developed and that there are several organisations with good internal structure that have been operating for many years and have achieved visible results and significant impact at the local level.

The project team presented the activities of the Civil Society Resource Centre to the participants, and, upon the activists’ request, they also shared information about the operation of the Council for cooperation with and development of the civil society and other key bodies responsible for cooperation with civil society, as well as websites with CSOs’ databases.

The Mobile Resource Centre also met with representatives from the municipality who informed that a new contact person for CSOs was appointed and she already organised a meeting with the organisations in the previous month. It was pointed out that there is a need to update the web site with contacts from the active organisations in the municipality of Tetovo.

The Civil Society Resource Centre is EU-funded project implemented by Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation (MCIC) in partnership with Association for Democratic Initiatives (ADI), Gostivar and Media Plus, Shtip.

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