
New 18 activists trained in institutional development and organisational strengthening

27 Feb 2019

The new assessment tools were considered to be the most useful part of the training for institutional development and organisational strengthening by the participants. Most of them said they will share the knowledge acquired in their organisations and they will review their strategic documents. On January 17-18, 2019, the Civil Society Resource Center in its premises held this training for 18 CSOs’ representatives.

During the training, the participants were introduced to the concept of institutional development and organisational strengthening, the elements of the Integrated Organisational Model (IOM), as well as with the tools for institutional and organisational analysis. They received theoretical knowledge, and then they did institutional and organisational analysis, based on the IOM elements.

Within the institutional analysis, the participants first worked on defining/revising the vision and the mission of their organisations; then made a PEST scan of the environment i.e. they analysed the political, the legal, the economic, the sociological and the technological factors that influence their developmental interventions; and developed an institutiogramme within which they defined the actors covered by their development interventions and their mutual relations.

The organisational analysis was done based on internal IOM elements, and then both analyses (institutional and organisational) were interconnected with the help of the SWOT tool.

Furthermore, on the basis of the SWOT analysis, the participants prepared the matrix on strategic orientation, and they were introduced to the significance of the strategic objectives and the format of the strategic plan that should be prepared on the basis of the previously done analyzes.

The training was held in the Civil Society Resource Centre by Aleksandar Krzalovski and Valentina Chicheva from Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation.

The training is part of the capacity building programme within the Civil Society Resource Centre, EU-funded project implemented by Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation in partnership with Association for Democratic Initiative from Gostivar and Media plus from Shtip.

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