
Experiences exchanged among the CSRC’s grantees at a workshop

1 Oct 2019

The CSRC’s grantees participated in a two-day workshop where they shared their expectations from the mentoring process and worked together to finalise the mentoring intervention plans. Some of the participants refreshed their knowledge, others learned about a range of techniques, methods of group work, facilitation and facilitation skills. The workshop was held on 24 and 25 September 2019 in the premises of the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation, and was attended by the organisations that implement the partner grants for organisational development.

“The dedication and the selflessness in sharing experiences and knowledge, bringing together CSOs’ capacities was seen and felt throughout the workshop. Experienced mentors and dedicated beneficiaries will certainly contribute to the development of new values in the environments in which they are active” said trainer Zage Filiposki. He added that the interaction with the participants and the program’s structure make him believe that this is the right way to initiate social transformation, which is also his personal motivation.

At the workshop, representatives from mentored and mentoring organisations had the opportunity together to prepare the design for the following workshops. It facilitated exchange of ideas and experiences which further contributes to mutual learning and development.

Experiences exchanged among the CSRC’s grantees at a workshop

Valentina Atanasovska from the Civil Society Resource Centre emphasised that the grantees have selected really experienced mentors and mentoring organisations to implement these partner grants. She added that they should take full advantage of the opportunity offered in the next four to six months and develop their organisation and the internal organisational capacity.

This workshop is implemented under the EU-funded Civil Society Resource Centre implemented by the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation in partnership with the Association for Democratic Initiatives from Gostivar and Media Plus from Stip.

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