Better implementation of the activities foreseen in the Strategy needed in the next period

27 Feb 2019

Over 40 representatives of CSOs and state institutions attended the Debate on the Strategy for Cooperation with and Development of the Civil Society 2018-2020 as well as the dynamics of its implementation. The key conclusions refer to the need for full implementation of the measures from the Strategy in the planned time frame, better presentation, and visibility of the achieved results, as well as a need for external monitoring of the strategy implementation by the CSOs.

“Previous government documents reflected the needs for which they were intended, but they always lacked proper implementation, due to lack of finance or expertise. Therefore, I believe that now its CSOs’ move and they should consider where they can contribute to the implementation of the Strategy, “said Irena Ivanova, from the Delegation of the European Union.

Suzana Nikodijevik-Filipovska, from the General Secretariat of the Government, presented in details the goals, the measures, the activities and the dynamics of their implementation. She hopes that this document will have better implementation rate compared to the previous two strategies.

Fani Karanfilova-Panovska, from Open Society Foundation Macedonia and president of the Council for Cooperation with and Development of the Civil Society, highlighted the key measures and activities that require special focus for their implementation: changes and amendments to the Law on Associations and Foundations; analysis of the tax treatment of CSOs; as well as development of a model for state funding of CSOs.

Presentation of the Strategy for Cooperation with and Development of the Civil Society 2018-2020

“Sometimes, there is an impression that representatives of government institutions personally do not feel that they sit in the Council sessions and are nominated by their institutions in order to give their institution’s view when the Council makes decisions. However, I think that there is a change in the culture of operation”, said Gordana Gapic-Dimitrovska, State advisor at the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, and Deputy President of the Council. She cited several foreseen changes, including the increase in the consultation period for draft laws posted on ENER by an additional five days, which promises to reach the European trend of the consultation period.

Nicola Bertolini from the EU Delegation called CSOs to action, i.e. to be organised through the Council and other existing mechanisms for action. He added that for the future the European Union plans more support for small and medium-sized organisations, especially those outside Skopje.

Take a look of the photo gallery from the event

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