Associations Equipped with New Monitoring and Evaluation Tools

24 Feb 2020

Representatives of 17 CSOs upgraded their knowledge on monitoring and evaluation techniques and methods in the training organised by the Civil Society Resource Centre on 23-24 January 2020.

During the training, the participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the different types of monitoring and in a practical exercise worked on preparing a monitoring plan.

The rest of the training covered the evaluation process, where participants gained knowledge about the different types of evaluation, the steps in its implementation, reporting, the types of reports being prepared and for what purposes. They had the opportunity to practically use organisational self-assessment tool by filling in a self-assessment form for their organisation, which they found to be a useful tool, particularly for those participants that were doing organisational self-assessment for the first time.

The training is part of the Capacity Building Programme under the Civil Society Resource Centre, EU-funded project implemented by Macedonian Center for International Cooperation in partnership with Media Plus, Stip and Association for Democratic Initiatives – ADI, Gostivar.

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Training Implemented for the New 14 Grantees on Local Initiatives

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